Build 1.0.54

Build 1.0.54 was a minor feature improvement-based release, with minor bug fixes.

New Features & Feature Updates

  • Back Office
    • Customer Card Added a new Customer Card which allows for improved navigation of a customer’s previous appointments.
    • Settings Interface Staff Settings Interface overhaul of the Settings area, providing for more structured and intuitive navigation.
    • Widget SLUG Builder Added a builder interface which allows custom SLUGS to be created which have pre-selected values within the booking widget.
  • Calendar Interface
    • Filters Introduced options for filtering from the calendar view: Canceled Appointments, Time Block Values (30 or 60min).

Bug Fixes

  • Calendar Interface
    • Mobile Viewport Refactored the calendar’s mobile viewport UI which was causing interface obstructions.
  • Embedded Widget

Reset Button Fixed an issue with the Reset button which would cause the widget to start back at the first step, even if the widget had provided predefined selections.

Previous Releases

Build 1.0.56

Build 1.0.56

Build 1.0.56 was a minor feature improvement-based release, with minor bug fixes. New Features & Feature Updates...

Build 1.0.52

Build 1.0.52

Build 1.0.52 was a minor feature improvement-based release, with minor bug fixes. New Features & Feature Updates...

Build 1.0.50

Build 1.0.50

Build 1.0.50 was a minor feature improvement-based release, with minor bug fixes. New Features & Feature Updates...