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Build 1.0.58

Build 1.0.58

Build 1.0.58 was a minor feature improvement-based release, with minor bug fixes. New Features & Feature Updates...

Build 1.0.56

Build 1.0.56

Build 1.0.56 was a minor feature improvement-based release, with minor bug fixes. New Features & Feature Updates Back Office Settings Interface Complete overhaul of the Settings area, providing for more structured and intuitive navigation. Customer No-Show Added...

Build 1.0.56

Build 1.0.54

Build 1.0.54 was a minor feature improvement-based release, with minor bug fixes. New Features & Feature Updates Back Office Customer Card Added a new Customer Card which allows for improved navigation of a customer’s previous appointments. Settings Interface...

Build 1.0.56

Build 1.0.52

Build 1.0.52 was a minor feature improvement-based release, with minor bug fixes. New Features & Feature Updates Back Office Custom Shifts Improvement of custom shift creation for staff. Inbox Mail Channel Deprecated previous method of handling inbound emails...

Build 1.0.56

Build 1.0.50

Build 1.0.50 was a minor feature improvement-based release, with minor bug fixes. New Features & Feature Updates Embedded Widget Deposits Introduction of payments being required prior to confirming appointments. Presently supporting PayPal, Stripe and...

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